Dope Buckets


     The SP&S had a company newletter called The Dope Bucket.  It was published over most of the second half of the life of the railroad.  There are gaps when publication stopped, and in 1957 the size changed to half the original.  An issue would typically have information from the company mixed with happenings in the lives of the employees (weddings, vacations etc...).  These provide an interesting view inside the company that most people only know from the trains.


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September 1952


Spring 1955


Summer 1955


Fall 1955


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Winter 1955


Summer 1956


Fall 1956


Sept. - Oct. 1957


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Nov. - Dec. 1957


Spring 1958


Fall 1958


Winter 1958


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Winter 1959


Spring 1960


Fall 1960


Winter 1960


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Spring 1961


Summer 1961


Fall 1961


Fall 1961 reprint


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Fall 1967


Winter 1968


Spring 1969


Summer 1969


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Fall 1969


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Copyright 1999 Ronald G. Peterson, individual copyrights remain with other owners as indicated.
Last edited:  Thursday, November 11, 1999 21:54