

     The SP&S issued a number of matchbooks as an advertising medium during the peak of the social acceptability of smoking (1930's - 1960's).  I have given approximate dates for each book shown.  I think I have them in order, but there is some room for some error.


mb1.jpg (7118 bytes) mb2.jpg (7316 bytes)
Issued prior to 1945


Issued prior to 1945


mb3.jpg (8327 bytes) mb4.jpg (8392 bytes)
circa 1947


circa 1950


mb5.jpg (5915 bytes)
circa 1951


mb6bk.jpg (5111 bytes) mb6m.jpg (4562 bytes)
mb6b.jpg (5170 bytes) mb6g.jpg (4114 bytes)
circa mid-1950's

The green version was prone to scuff damage from the striker on the next book in the package.  Most books are like this.  There were a total of 5 different colors for the 30 strike book.  Red is not shown here.


mb8.jpg (7424 bytes)
Golden Anniversay


circa 1960


mb9.jpg (7774 bytes) mb9a.jpg (7682 bytes)
circa mid-1960's


circa mid-1960's


The 20-strike matchbooks were wrapped in cellophane packs of six like this.
The 30-strike books were packaged in groups of four.


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Copyright 1999 Ronald G. Peterson, individual copyrights remain with other owners as indicated.
Last edited:  Sunday, November 30, 2003 21:35