

rulerf.jpg (9337 bytes)
rulerb.jpg (9219 bytes)
Advertising Ruler
prior to 1926


coastf.jpg (10449 bytes)coastb.jpg (8386 bytes)
Promotional coaster given out on the Farewell to Steam excursion
May 20, 1956


lighter.jpg (12563 bytes)
Cigarette lighter
sold for $1 in 1960


ash.jpg (11175 bytes)
Glass ashtray
late 1960's


pencila.jpg (6200 bytes)
Pencils, serif type
See enlargement for variations indicating up to 3 issues


pencilb.jpg (6162 bytes)
Pencils, sans serif type
See enlargement for variations indicating up to 3 issues


Club Lounge note card with envelope


50th Anniversary notepad


Note paper with envelope - North Coast Limited


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Copyright 1999 Ronald G. Peterson, individual copyrights remain with other owners as indicated.
Last edited:  Thursday, December 04, 2003 20:57